Batu (Timedance | UK)
Ploy (Timedance | UK)
Laksa (Timedance | UK)
Nari × Naoki Takebayashi
Kotsu × DJ No Guarantee
Romy Mats
- 22:00
- ¥ 1000
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- GH S MEMBERS ¥2500
- W/F
- ¥ 3000
- ¥ 3500
- Techno
- | Dub Step
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
今年もContactのアニバーサリーウィークが到来! 果敢に攻めの姿勢で数々のパーティを貫いてきたこの1年。アンダーグラウンドの才能から著名なアーティストに至るまで、東京のナイトライフにこれからのクラブカルチャーを照らす場所として拠り所を提供してきた。欧米のハウスやテクノ、そして実験的なエレクトロニックミュージックにおけるキーパーソンだけでなく、国内で活躍するDJやプロデューサーも等しく重視しながら、数々の夜を彩ってきた12か月。その歩みにふさわしいラインナップで、今年も盛大にアニバーサリーを祝福する。
Contact’s birthday celebrations begin with a Bristol bass explosion
As we reach the start of April, Contact takes the opportunity to reflect on another year of incredible, adventurous parties. The club has settled into the landscape of Tokyo nightlife, becoming one of the city’s beacons for forward-thinking club culture – a haven for underground talent and established names alike. The spectrum of music has spanned US and European house, techno and experimental electronics, but there’s equal importance placed on the wealth of talent closer to home for some wonderful nights over the past 12 months – all the more reason to celebrate as Contact reaches its third birthday.
The first part of the festivities takes shape with a special Timedance showcase. Batu’s Bristol-based label is one of the most exciting conduits for innovative club music in operation right now, and we’ve been happy to welcome him and other closely associated artists to Contact on many occasions. This time, Batu will be joined by Ploy and Laksa – two of the key protagonists in what makes Timedance such a compelling label. There are few stylistic descriptions that fit the artists and their music – established structures are left in the dust as they explore new modes within the realm of heavyweight soundsystem pressure. That’s exactly why we’re so happy to have this incredible collective represent for us as we toast three years of unforgettable parties.
★First 300 people to come receives our original 3 Year Anniversary musette bag.
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First 300 people to come receives our original 3 Year Anniversary musette bag.
Colour: White / Black