Ben UFO (Hessle Audio | UK)
Dr. Nishimura
Axel Boman (Studio Barnhus | Sweden)
Toshiya Kawasaki (mule musiq)
automat (TERA, DAIZEN, Hiroki Nakamura)
boys be kko -Live
The Antoinettes[FOOD]
雑煮屋 鳥居
- 21:00
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- BEFORE 10PM ¥1000
- BEFORE 11PM ¥2000
- GH S MEMBERS ¥3000
- ¥ 4000
- Techno
- | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
もちろんラインナップも音楽愛に満ちた屈指のアクトばかり! まずは、〈Hessle Audio〉の設立メンバーであり現在のUKダンスミュージックを語るうえで欠かせないDJ、Ben UFO。貪欲なディガー精神で発掘した古今東西の楽曲をしなやかなグルーヴにまとめあげるセットで、多様性を謳歌する時代にふさわしいダンスフロアを作り上げる。同じく膨大な音楽知識とジャンル区分不可能なセットで意識を深いゾーンに連れていくDr. Nishimuraも出演。Ben UFOとの化学反応に期待だ。Contactフロアでは、〈mule musiq〉の主宰者Toshiya Kawasakiが今年アルバム「Le New Life」を発表したAxel Bomanともに登場。ドリーミーでトロピカルな極上サウンドが新年の訪れをあたたかく包み込む!
★毎年恒例! 日本酒の振舞い酒もあり
Unity beyond boundaries for the New Year celebration
Contact will be reaching to the end of 2019, having explored a space for coexistence where different individuals unite or make artistic statements at a time when a wide diversity of music and social aesthetics prevail. We will be celebrating the advent of the New Year with our beloved music lovers who believe in the creative potential that dance music and electronic music have to offer.
The rightly curated line-up consists of intrepid music explorers in their own right. Originally known as a co-founder of the Hessle Audio imprint, Ben UFO is now an essential force to be reckoned with in the modern UK dance music. With his omnivorous appetite for tracks from all ages and regions, the British DJ will put them together into an inclusive space that embraces today’s diversity. Sharing the decks with him is Dr. Nishimura, an equally fervent aficionado with extensive music knowledge whose genre-defying, mind-altering set is expected for sonic chemistry with Ben. The Contact floor will play host to mule musiq, featuring label boss Toshiya Kawasaki and Axel Boman, who released his Le New Life for the label this year, blanketing the New Year’s arrival in their dreamy, tropical bliss.
★Complimentary Japanese Sake!
Axel Boman
[Release Information]
▶ Axel Boman
「Le New Life」
Label: mule musiq
Format: 15″EP ×2
Cat.No: MULE244
Release Date: 2019.9.6
日本を代表するダンスミュージック・レーベル〈mule musiq〉の15周年記念EPシリーズ全12作のラストとして、Axel Bomanが6年振りとなるアルバム「Le New Life」をリリース。
Dr. Nishimura