
(How High)

2010年よりDJとしてのキャリアをスタート。渋谷WOMBにてクラブスタッフとして働き、自身のパーティHow Highをオーガナイズするなど様々な形で音楽との繋がりを広げる。2013年にはヨーロッパ・ベルリンへ単身渡欧し、世界各国のアーティスト達との交流を経て自らのセンスやグルーヴに磨きをかける。ミニマルを軸にハウスミュージックを織り交ぜる独自のグルーヴを構築し、ベルリンから帰国後も精力的に活動し国内外問わず多くのDJ達との共演を重ね、ベルリンのCDVでの出演やフランクフルトのSilvergoldでPhilipp BoßやPhil Evansと共演し話題を呼んだ。音楽への探究心は留まる事を知らず、近年では楽曲制作にも力を入れており、2021年に〈How High〉レーベルから自身の楽曲がバイナルでリリース予定だ。


Started a career as a DJ since 2010. Worked as a club staff at WOMB Club in Tokyo and expanded his connection with music in various ways, including organizing his own party “How High”. In 2013, he has moved to Berlin and by having relationship with artists from around the world, he refines his sense and groove. Building a unique groove that interwoven house music with minimal as the axis. After returning from Berlin he has became a resident DJ of his own party “HOW HIGH” He has been paying with a lot of DJs in Japan and from overseas. His passion and Inquiring mind for music will never stop and in recent years he’s also been focusing on his own music productions. In 2021, his song will be released on vinyl from the How High label.