
(Rainbow Disco Club | Timothy Really | mule musiq)

東京屈指の酸過多地帯に生を受け、レイヴカルチャー影響下におけるレーベル/DJ集団〈Timothy Really〉を発足。
ゼロ年代初頭ミニマル隆盛期、西麻布Space Lab Yellowで開催されていたレジェンドパーティReal Groovesのレジデントを務め、DJ Pi-geとRyo Murakamiとのヴァイナルレーベル〈Pan Records〉のA&Rや、今はなきユースカルチャー秘密の源泉渋谷SECOBARのブッキングを渡り歩き、その音楽趣向をカルトな古典音楽と4/4キックのハウスブレンド、すなわち現代的なコズミック・スタイルへと昇華する。
人類史25万年におけるダンスへの衝動とその歴史への興味を斜めから深め、未知なるグルーヴに恋焦がれつつ、日本発未来経由の虹色レイヴRainbow Disco Clubのレジデントとして日々精進中。

He was born into and grew up in the area with heavy influence of psychedelic culture where he ended up establishing DJ collectives/record label called ”Timothy Really”. In beginning of year 2000s, there was an emerging first wave of minimal music. In the movement, there was a legendary party called ”Real Grooves”, and he was performing as a resident DJ.

After all, he was actively involved in many areas of music culture in his career; a collaborative work with DJ Pige and Ryo Murakami to establish Pan Records A&R and a booking manager at SECOBAR where created underground youth culture of Shibuya.

As he was moving through his music career, the depth of his soul and his impulsive attraction to dance music led him to the unique mixed music of disco, world music and house. He has been drawn to unknown unique style of music, and his deep longing is to create Japanese original innovative dance music as he plays an important role of a resident DJ at Rainbow Disco Club, which creates the world-wide innovative dance movement.