A Guy Called Gerald -Live
Ko Umehara (Komabano Oscillation Lab.)
Qmico (QUALIA)
< Mild Bunch presents NATURAL BORN CHILLERS by DJ Fran-key Release Party >
Mild Bunch Sound System
Fran-key (Crue-l)
Kun (Tripster)
Maxxrelax (blackmaps)
Sam Fitzgerald (TNP)
- 22:00
- Techno | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
The Second Summer Of Loveから30年。活動30年を迎えるA Guy Called Geraldの記念すべきセット
A Guy Called Geraldのような影響力と革新性を持つ個性的アーティストがいるだろうか。UKアシッドハウスの黎明期に808 Stateの一員として飽くなき挑戦を繰り返し、重要作「Voodoo Ray」を制作。そして、ジャングルの誕生期には名作「Black Secret Technology」を生み落とすなど、Gerald Simpsonという男は従来のテイストメイカーや批評家に迎合することなく、一貫して我が道を突き進んできた。
そんなA Guy Called Geraldが “30 Years of Independence”と題したツアー先としてチョイスしたのがContactだ。Studio Xフロアにて、長く多様なキャリアの深みと幅に裏付けられたライブパフォーマンスを披露する。これまでに彼が切り開いてきた数多くのスタイルやサウンドを聞かせてくれるに違いない。そう、それは1988年のセカンド・サマー・オブ・ラブから脈々と続くエレクトロニックミュージックの、偉大なる文化と進化の祝宴と言っていいだろう。
30 years since The Second Summer Of Love. Celebrating the 30th year of A Guy Called Gerald's career
There are few artists out there as influential, groundbreaking and individual as A Guy Called Gerald. From his roots as a dancer to his fearless experimentation with 808 State in the early days of British acid house, producing the seminal “Voodoo Ray” and moving on to make one of the most vital documents of the nascent jungle era – Black Secret Technology – Gerald Simpson has constantly pushed forward without seeking approval from the traditional tastemakers and gatekeepers of the electronic music scene.
30 years later, he’s as independent and uncompromising as ever, still working tirelessly as a producer and live performer without concern for trends and scenes that come and go around him.
As part of his ’30 Years Of Independence’ tour, Simpson will be taking over the Studio X Floor with a performance that takes in the depth and breadth of his long and winding career, no doubt touching on the many styles he has helped pioneer in a celebration of the huge cultural evolutions that have taken place in electronic music since the ‘second summer of love’ in 1988.
A Guy Called Gerald

Mild Bunchにも所属するDJ Fran-keyが夏にぴったりのCDを、自身と親交があるBEDWINと協力して制作。
当日はCDリリースを記念したMild BunchとのイベントTシャツも販売予定。