Gonno (WC | International Feel | Ostgut Ton) & 藤田晃司
CD HATA -Moderator
machìna -自分を表現する音作り
Koyas (Ableton Certified Trainer) & DIEZONE -MC
boys be kko -Live
Red Wing a.k.a Tsubasa Arakawa -Live
Yoshitaka Shirakura -Live
- 19:00
- CLOSE 00:00
- ¥ 2500
- STUDENT ¥1000 (w/Student ID)
- Techno
- | Work Shop
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
Ableton Meetup Tokyoが5周年アニバーサリーパーティを開催
10月でAbleton Meetup Tokyoが5周年を迎える。今回のミートアップは、5周年を祝し、新型コロナに十分注意しながら、久しぶりに客入れありでのアニバーサリーを開催。
会場は渋谷のクラブContactをフルに使い、そのメインフロアであるStudio Xの模様も配信。そのStudio Xでは、ワールドワイドに活躍するDJのGONNOと、VentやOrなど有名クラブのサウンド設計を手がけるPAエンジニアの藤田晃司が登場し、「フロア映えのする音を作りたい」をテーマにしたパネルディスカッションを設ける。
もう1組は、Kポップからエレクトロニックミュージックに華麗なる転身をしたmachìnaが初登壇。彼女が披露するのは、Ableton Liveを使ったオーディエンス参加型のトラックメイキング。皆で持ち寄ったサンプルを元に、machìnaがその場でトラックを制作する。我こそはという方は、USBスティックで音ネタを持参してみてはどうだろう。
また、Contactフロアでは、boys be kkoらAMTにゆかりのあるライヴアクトやDJを招き、衛生面に十分注意しながら、再会と5周年を祝う。
★本公演はGH STREAMINGにてライヴ配信致します。
Ableton Meetup Tokyo
Ableton Meetup Tokyo Will Hold an Offline Event at Contact Tokyo Celebrating Their 5th Anniversary
October 2020 is a special month for Ableton Meetup Tokyo (AMT) as we hit the mark of 5 years since our launch! To celebrate this moment, AMT will hold an offline gathering event for the first time in 7 months.
Wondering where this will happen? It is Contact Tokyo!
We will have two main programs for this anniversary event.
First up is a panel discussion called “Turning your homegrown tracks into dance floor bangers”. Ever experienced your tracks being played in the club environment but sounding less powerful than you expected? We will deep dive into this subject inviting DJ Gonno, a world class DJ / producer, alongside with Koji Fujita, a PA engineer / sound systems architect notably known as a person behind the sound systems of Tokyo’s top nightclubs such as Vent and Or just to name a few.
For the other program, Machina, an electronic music artist formerly known as a K-pop personnel, will show up on stage with her Ableton Live for an interactive workshop. She will gather some audio samples from participants building a track from there. Bring your USB stick filled with your favourite samples if you want to get involved!
Along with these main programs, we will have a bunch of DJs and live performances to rock the whole venue! These are what you may not want to miss for celebration as many of them are AMT’s past presenters or performers.
Although the COVID-related restrictions are partially lifted here in Tokyo, your safety is still our top priority. You will be asked to follow the instructions for safety during the event. We highly appreciate your cooperations and understanding.
Also, all programs scheduled in Studio X will be streamed live as an option for those who are unable to make it to the event.
Likewise we previously did, students are eligible for discount as long as you show your student ID at door.
We are so much looking forward to welcoming you for this very special night.
●This event will be broadcasted live on GH STREAMING.
Ableton Meetup Tokyo