Tommy (Technique | V.)
Takuya Ogawa
Hiroki Nakamura (Kids Return)TERA (ALL-GROUND | L.T.C)
DJ FGR (Amazon)
Yoshiki Aoyama (P.A.O)
Broccoli (broccoli .fm)ayaka
- 21:00
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- ¥ 1500 (1D)
- Techno
- | House
2020年最後の開催となる今回、Contactフロアには、日本屈指のレコードショップTechniqueより底知れぬ知識に裏打ちされた選曲と確かなスキルで定評のあるベテランDJ、Tommy、またミニマルハウスを軸としたDJとして活躍するTakuya Ogawaの2名を迎え、レジデントでありレーベル〈Kids Return〉を主催するHiroki Nakamura、Amazon主催のTera、DJ FGRの5名がプレイ。
Foyerフロアでは、3人編成バンドP.A.Oでベースを担うハウスDJ、Yoshiki Aoyama、近年様々なクラブで活躍の場を広げているayaka、ミニマル/UKGを得意とするニューカマーeurlica、アップビルディングなテックハウスでフロアを引っ張るBroccoliなど、Contactフロアとはまた違った側面で一晩を作り上げる。
Next generation of DJs with roots in Techno and House takes you through the jungles of new and old music
For the final edition of year 2020, Contact floor headlines Tommy, a skilled veteran DJ with vast knowledge from Japan’s finest record shop Technique, and the Minimal House DJ Takuya Ogawa. Resident and label owner of 〈Kids Return〉, Hiroki Nakamura will be joined by Amazon’s head honcho Tera, and DJ FGR. Yoshiki Aoyama, a House DJ and bass player of the 3 piece band P.A.O, is going to be featured in the Foyer floor. Also joining the lineup in the Foyer floor are, ayaka who’s been active in recent years playing at various clubs, eurlica the newcomer who specializes in Minimal/UKG, and the upbuilding Tech House sounds of Broccoli. A different approach for the evening in contrast to the Contact floor. Amazon ends the year the way they always do, tapping into the much deeper and broader musicality of each performer.