Mustache X (Fake Eyes Production)
Ayana JJ (Smitten)
FLED tokyo
Yo Nishijima
- 21:00
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- ¥ 1500 (1D)
- House
Yo Nishijima主催、初開催となるAmnesia。記念すべき第1回目には、Fake Eyes Productionにおける中核的存在であり、Fuji Rock Festivalにも出演、Future Terrorからも支持を受けるMustache Xの出演が決定した。
その他、海外のアーティストを積極的に呼び、都内にてSmittenを始めとするパーティをオーガナイズするAyana JJや、深い音からディスコまで語るには欠かせない存在のFLED tokyoが色を付け加えていく。
An evening of world rhythm and the depth of alternative sounds
Yo Nishijima hosts his first edition, Amnesia. To commemorate the first edition, Mustache X from Fake Eyes Production, who has performed at Fuji Rock Festival, Future Terror, as well as countless parties across the nation will be on decks as the main guest.
Ayana JJ, organizer of the Tokyo-based party Smitten, and FLED tokyo whose sonic range spans from deep to disco will be the supporting navigators.
Amnesia focuses on spreading quality music from around the world. At times, the haunting yet euphoric sounds can be a reminiscence of a place somewhere in Central Southeast Asia. Take in the light and beauty of the sounds that the artists release into the atmosphere.
Mustache X