Fumiya Tanaka (Sundance | Perlon)
Brawther (France)
Tommy (Technique)
Ryokei (How High)
#FLUX (Len Tajima & Karuta)
- 23:59
- Techno | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
近年、あらゆるハウスミュージックを貪欲に取り込んできたFumiya Tanaka。2016年に待望のアルバム「You Find The Key」をPerlonから発表したほか、MinibarやPluie/Noireといったレーベルに作品を提供しつつ、自身のSundanceの運営も進めるなど、ここ数年の活動はますます多忙を極めている。
そうした創造性をさらに拡張すべく今回の”CHAOS”に登場するのは、フランスの才人Brawtherだ。Ron TrentとChez DamierによるBalanceや、Cabinet、My Love Is Undergroundといったレーベルに名を連ねていることでもおなじみの彼。Fumiya Tanakaが感銘を受けたというBrawtherのDJは、クラシックなディープハウスの要素で”CHAOS”に思わぬ化学変化をもたらしてくれるに違いない。
Adventurous house music from the outer reaches.
While his dedication to all kinds of house music reaches over the last decade, in the past few years Fumiya Tanaka has been busier and more creative than ever before. Having released his long awaited 「You Find The Key」 album on Perlon in 2016, Tanaka has since appeared on such esteemed European labels as Minibar and Pluie/Noire while developing his own celebrated imprint, Sundance.
His Chaos party provides the perfect platform for Tanaka to explore his minimalist sound, where subtle details and creative production approaches result in magical strains of unconventional house music.
Widening the scope of the party, Tanaka has also invited talented French house producer Brawther to share the decks with him, having been impressed by his performance. With a connection to Ron Trent & Chez Damier’s Balance institution and releases on respected labels like Cabinet and My Love Is Underground, Brawther brings a more classic deep house twist to the subliminal sounds of Chaos.