Sammy Dee
Fumiya Tanaka
- 23:00
- UNDER 23 ¥2000
- EARLY BIRD ¥2500
- GH S MEMBERS ¥2800
- ADVANCE ¥3000
- DOOR ¥3800
- House | Techno
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
そうした作品に込められた意匠をクラブで表明しているのが、世界に名だたるパーティGet Perlonizedだ。毎回、出演者がローテーションで入れ替わるものの、強固な絆を感じさせるレギュラー陣には、確かに”Perlon”という鮮烈なアイデンティティを形成するアクトがラインナップされている。
そのGet Perlonizedの記念すべき日本特別開催には、レーベル設立者のひとりZipを筆頭に、Sammy Dee、Fumiya Tanaka、そして初来日となるSpacetravelが参加。”Perlon”の新旧どちらのファンにとっても、レーベルの比類なき音楽観を象徴する垂涎のラインナップとなっているだけに、意識の深い部分からじわじわと沸きあがる陶酔と選曲の妙による高揚を期待したい。本家ベルリンの流儀にのっとり、長い日になる予感……。
Minimal house and techno from the best in the business
Since its inception in the late 90s, “Perlon” has established itself as the leading authority on stripped back, endlessly adventurous house and techno. While readily associated with the evolution of minimal techno, the label’s sonic remit actually reaches far beyond simple genre conventions, presenting a playful, colourful spectrum of underground sounds from inventive artists seeking to push 4/4 dance music further.
Get Perlonized is the infamous party stamp with which the records manifest in the club, most notably via regular sessions at Berlin’s Panorama Bar. While the cast of characters can rotate with every event, there is a strong sense of family about the regular names that shape out the line-ups, and the vivid identity of Perlon overall.
When Get Perlonized comes to Contact for a special Japanese edition, it will feature label co-founder Zip, Sammy Dee, Fumiya Tanaka and, making his Japanese debut, Spacetravel. Whether new to Perlon or there since the beginning, these names are synonymous with the label’s one-of-a-kind sonic aesthetic. You can be sure of an experience as subliminal as it is surprising, and in true Berlin fashion, there’s every chance the night will extend well into the next day.

今年9月、”Perlon”からFumiya Tanakaの待望のニューシングル2タイトルがリリース!
「AB」Fumiya Tanaka
品番:PERLON117-1/税込価格 ¥1,580
A. On A Bass
B. Dreaming Perfect Zebras
「CD」Fumiya Tanaka
品番:PERLON117-2/税込価格 ¥1,580
C. Telephone At The Window
D. I Don’t Know Enough Continued
Sammy Dee