HIROSHI WATANABE a.k.a KAITO (Transmat | Kompakt)
DJ Sodeyama (ARPA records | трип)
Ko Umehara (Komabano Oscillation Lab. | contatto)
Qmico (QUALIA)
- 19:00
- CLOSE 24:00
5/29(金)のGH STREAMINGにはContactにも幾度となく出演を重ねてきた熟練のDJ達が登場する。パーティQUALIAをContactにて主催するQmicoからスタート、野外フェスからクラブまで広く活動するKo Umeharaが続き、Nina Kravizからの信頼も厚いDJ Sodeyamaも遂にストリーミング番組に登場、そしてDerrick MayのTransmatからアルバムをリリースしたHIROSHI WATANABEがラストを飾る。
今後の配信スケジュールはGH STREAMINGのサイト、各店舗のSNS等よりご確認ください。
GH STREAMING for 5/29 (Fri) features skilled DJs who have consistently performed at Contact. Starting off with Qmico, the organizer of QUALIA held at Contact, will be followed by Ko Umehara who has been highly active in the scene performing at countless festivals and clubs. DJ Sodeyama, entrusted by Nina Kraviz herself, joins the streaming platform at last. HIROSHI WATANABE, the Japanese producer who has an album release on Derrick May’s label Transmat, will be closing the night.
Check our website and social media channels for the live streaming schedule.
Registered members are able to watch the archived sets.