Henning Baer (Grounded Theory | MANHIGH | Sonic Groove | Berlin)
Takaaki Itoh (WOLS)
DJ YAZI (Black Smoker)
Yoshitaka Shirakura (Conflux)
John Osborn (DRED Records | Berlin)
Tasoko (DRED Records | Okinawa)
IORI (Field Records | Phonica White)
Atsushi Maeda (rural | addictedloop)FOYER
nachopan (Food)
tessin. (Frasco)
expt. (Clothes)
NouN (Accessorly)
∞ Neiro Manda La ∞ (糸掛曼荼羅)
- 22:00
- Techno
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
明確なキュレーションにより、フロアごとに異なるサウンドを一夜のなかで存分に楽しませてくれるKONVEKTION。今回Studio Xフロアは、ノイズとインダストリアルの実験性を取り入れたハードなテクノサウンドにフォーカス。Takaaki ItohとDJ YAZIのレジデントふたりが、ベルリン屈指の人気テクノイベントとなったGrounded Theoryの仕掛け人Henning Baerを迎える。ジャーマンテクノシーンの泰斗Milton Bradleyとともに始動した〈K209〉やそれに続く〈MANHIGH〉から発表している鼓膜にザラザラとまとわりつくテクノサウンドがフロアを熱く扇動する。
一方Contactフロアには、〈DRED Records〉からのアルバム「Elements」でサイケデリックな快楽性を多彩なビートフォームに乗せて表現した要注目株Tasokoが沖縄から登場。レーベルオーナーのJohn Osbornにくわえ、同郷のIORIとともに浮遊感のある陶酔サウンドで心地よい空間を演出する。John OsbornはHenning Baerの名EP「Gemini」のリリースを手がけているなど、今回のKONVEKTIONも音楽的な繋がりを感じさせるキュレーションセンスが光る。各出演者はもちろん、パーティ全体で生み出す躍動感もあわせて堪能すべし!
Percolating grooves across the electronic music spectrum
Committed to exploring a variety of styles, Konvektion returns to Contact with another finely-curated line-up that fills out two floors with cutting edge sounds from warm and buoyant grooves to tough and propulsive workouts. Making his first appearance at Contact by heading up the Studio X floor, which will be focusing on noise and industrial, Henning Baer represents the beating heart of Berlin techno. As a co-founder of fabled party Grounded Theory and the K209 imprint with Milton Bradley, Baer has helped stimulate the club scene in the German capital with a combination of focused aesthetics and a desire to push things forward. Just like his productions for his own Manhigh label, he’ll be bringing a scorching heat to the dancefloor with his gritty, uncompromising techno with an industrial edge.
The Contact floor will sit in contrast to the pounding intensity of Studio X as it welcomes John Osborn’s DRED label. As well as Osborn himself, the night will feature Tasoko toasting the release of his album on the label alongside his fellow Okinawa resident and Contact mainstay IORI. Stretching from house and electro to leftfield sounds, this DRED showcase will be the many-sided inversion to the steely focus of the main room, which is another curational feat of Konvektion that will make for sheer dynamism as a whole.

【Release Information】
Tasoko -「Elements」
Label: DRED Records
Format: Tape / Digital
Cat.No: DRDLP001
Release Date: 2019.6.24
John Osborn主宰の〈DRED Records〉より、TasokoがLP「Elelements」をリリース。
Henning Baer
John Osborn