Gonno (Ostgut Ton | International Feel)
Yoshinori Hayashi (Smalltown Supersound | Going Good)
Ryosuke (Lobust)
Ryokei (How High | ATM) & Karuta (FLUX)
bungo (Rhythm affair | FLATTOP)
- 22:00
- House | Techno
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
Let’s Start The Dance
3ヶ月振りにStudio Xを開放しての営業となるこの夜は、昨年、〈Ostgut Ton〉から盟友Nick Hoppnerとの共作2作目となるコラボEPをリリースして話題となったGonnoと、〈Smalltown Supersound〉からEPをリリースしたYoshinori Hayashiの2人がハウスを軸にしたプレイで再開を祝う。そして、FLATTOPを主催し独自の視点で音楽イベントをキュレーションするYELLOWUHURU、レーベル〈Set Fire To Me〉を立ち上げ、自身のEPをリリースしたToreiも出演。Contactフロアには千葉を拠点に活躍を続けるRyosukeを筆頭に、ATMとしての新作リリースも待たれるRyokeiがFLUXのKarutaとブースに立つ。また、グルーヴに重点を置いたレフトフィールドハウスからダブ/アンビエントや電子音楽全般を自在に操るSobrietyとFLATTOPのメンバーでもある若手bungoも登場する。ぜひ久々の再会と素晴らしい音楽を楽んで欲しい。
Let’s Start The Dance
After a 3 month hiatus, we’ll be reopening Studio X. GONNO, his 2nd collaboration EP with Nick Hoppner last year from <Ostgut Ton> gained critical acclaim, will be headlining along with Yoshinori Hayashi, who has released an EP from <Smalltown Supersound>, to celebrate the reopening with their selections of house music. Yellowuhuru, organizer and curator of the music event Flattop, and Torei, who has launched his own label <Set Fire To Me> followed by the release of his EP, will be joining the lineup.
In the Contact floor, the Chiba-based veteran Ryosuke will be joined by Ryokei, who has released new material under the alias ATM, and Karuta from FLUX. Sobriety and Bungo from Flattop, with their groove influenced leftfield house, dub, ambient and a wide variety of electronic music, will also be on decks. Come reunite and enjoy the splendid music.