Peverelist (Livity Sound | Bristol)
Kowton (Livity Sound | Bristol) – Live
Goth Trad (DEEP MEDi MUSIK | Back To Chill) – Live
Koba (form.)
thomyorko (混乱)
Mamazu (Hole and Holland)
Nao (rural | addictedloop)
Lynne (Topolozy)
- 22:00
- Techno | Bass
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
震源地Contact -重低音革新者が激震を起こす
2011年の発足以来、Livity Soundはダンスミュージックに革新性をもたらす重要な役割を果たしてきた。メインストリームのダブステップが大バコ仕様のレイヴミュージックとなり、サウンドシステムの起源から離れていく一方で、このブリストル発のレーベルは未踏の領域を切り拓き、既存の枠組みを押し広げながら、新たな可能性を模索してきた。その運営を手掛けているのがPeverelistとKowton。多様な音楽からの影響をもとにUKガラージ、テクノ、ハウス、グライム、ジャングルといったスタイルを超越する変種サウンドを生み出してきたふたりだ。
さらに、Deep Mediを代表する日本人アーティストから先進的で表現性豊かなサウンドを独自に展開する存在へと進化を果たし、日本の重低音界を牽引し続けるGoth Tradも参加。いまだかつて味わったことのない激震のダンスミュージックを堪能できる一夜。胸の高鳴りを約束する。
The innovative UK producers make Contact an epicenter of earth-shuddering bass sound.
Since its establishment in 2011, Livity Sound has been playing a key role in the inventive sphere of dance music. The Bristol-born label represents founders’ fervour for exploring uncharted territory, pushing the envelope of the genre in reaction to the main stream side of dubstep, which eventually lapsed into big-room rave music and pulled away from its sound system origins. Behind the imprint are Peverelist and Kowton, both of whom have drawn on a variety of influences to carry diverse underground mutations in UK garage, techno, house, grime and jungle.
The two make a return to Japan with their debut at Contact. Peverelist brings an innovative set full of unprecedented, idiosyncratic grooves that combine his UK garage influence with techno while Kowton, who revealed a minimalistic techno side in his “Utility” album last year, makes the Japanese premiere of his solo live performance.
They are joined by Goth-Trad, one of the leading figures in the Japanese bass-heavy music scene who has evolved from the label Deep Medi. The forward-