Marcel Fengler (IMF | Mote Evolver | from Berlin)
DJ Sodeyama (ARPA Records | трип)
So (Mindgames | Labyrinth | Tri-Bute)
Kabuto (Daze Of Phaze | Lair)
Ama & Genki (Yuk)Bow (Zundoko Disco)
Yudai (Yankee Diner)
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
BerghainのレジデントMarcel Fenglerが1年ぶりの来日! 彼のDJセットでは深く潜りこむベースラインと重厚なキックが支えるグルーヴ上へ執拗なまでに鼓膜を掻きむしる電子音が散りばめられ、延々と続くような陶酔空間を生み出すことで数々のフロアを興奮の渦へと巻きこんできた。硬質なトラック一辺倒ではなく、包み込むような柔らかい展開を作るミックス構成により、広範なオーディエンスを虜にしてきたDJであるだけに、Studio Xが誇る強力なサウンドシステムでのセットに期待が高まるばかりだ。The People In Fog名義でリリースした「Higher」がスマッシュヒットを記録中のDJ Sodeyamaと、LabyrinthのレジデントであるSoという相性抜群の日本人勢と共に生み出す一夜の流れにも注目したいところ。Contactフロアでは自在の低域コントロールで定評のあるKabutoを筆頭に、Studio Xとは一味異なる極上ハウスグルーヴが味わえる。
Japan-German techno summit weaves euphoric threads into diverse patterns.
Berghain resident Marcel Fengler makes the first return to Japan in a year. Bolstered by tunneling basslines and hefty kicks peppered with incessant ear-scratching electronics, his sets have created euphoric moments that throw numerous dance floors into a storm of excitement. Known as a DJ with a sonic arsenal that includes not only austere ammunition but cuddling tracks to make the flow more accessible to a wider audience. The Berliner has been among our most long-awaited figures to play on our Studio X’s powerful soundsystem. He is joined by DJ Sodeyama aka The People In Fog, who made a smash hit with this year’s Higer EP, and Labytinth resident So. The flow they are going to create with Fengler over the night also deserves attention. Kabuto will take the helm of the Contact floor with his notorious bass-animating set, providing supreme house that marks a striking contrast to Studio X.