Maurice Fulton (UK)
CMT (Powwow)
Nagi (Dazzle Drums)
EZ (Tilt | Mild Bunch)
Fraser Cooke (Nike | Mild Bunch)
Maxxrelax (blackmaps | Mild Bunch)Sam Fitzgerald (TNP | Vendor)
Sisi (Rainbow Disco Club | Timothy Really)
- 22:00
- House
★浴衣の方は入場無料 / *Free entrance for people wearing yukata.
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
浴衣で入場無料! 鬼才の宴が今夏も開催
ハウスミュージック界の鬼才がContactに帰還! 今年の4月にRainbow Disco Clubでもキレものぶりを発揮したばかりのMaurice Fultonが早くも再来日。90年代から、〈Warp〉〈Nuphonic〉〈Sähkö〉といった錚々たる名門レーベルをつうじて多様な名義でパンクな作品を発表してきたお馴染みのアーティストが、今回はどんな夜を演出してくれるのか? 近年も〈DFA〉や〈Running Back〉などからツボを押さえたサウンドでコアなリスナーを新たに獲得し、昨年にはマーキュリー賞にノミネートされたシンガーソングライターRóisín Murphyのプロデュースを務めた4枚のEPを立て続けに発表しているだけに、今回の出演も衰えることを知らないMaurice Fultonの“現在”を堪能する絶好のチャンスだ。
そして共演には、Maurice Fultonに比肩するキレものぶりで各地のフロアを熱狂に導く地下ハウスシーンの至宝CMTと、オーセンティックなハウスに世界各地のサウンドを織り込むDazzle DrumsのNagiが登場。王道からキワモノまで、全方位からハウスの魅力をお届けする。しかもこの日は、浴衣でお越しの方は入場料が無料!
Wear a yukata to get free entrance to peculiar house fair
House music’s enfant terrible Maurice Fulton will make his quick return to Contact, following his peculiar performance for Rainbow Disco Club in April. With a long-standing career that has seen him release a string of adventurous creations under several monikers for acclaimed labels like Warp, Nuphonic and Sähkö, the Baltimorean producer always sends the dance floor into an unpredictable frenzy. As he made his appearance on DFA and Running Back with his to-the-point takes on modern house in recent years and last year’s collaboration with Mercury Prize nominee Róisín Murphy spawned hour-part single series, this night will represent another chance to catch the latest form of the tireless artist.
Stepping up for the occasion are Japanese house luminaries. CMT will demonstrate his alternative streak that takes the audience to an inspiring sonic journey just like Fulton while Dazzle Drums’ Nagi will present the authentic house infused with influences from across the world. Ranging from the old-school to the penchant, the night will run the gamut of house music. Plus, anyone in a Japanese yukata outfit will get free entrance!
Maurice Fulton