Silent Servant (Jealous God | USA)
Wata Igarashi (Midgar | The Bunker NY)
Aya Gloomy -LiveChris SSG (MNML SSGS)
Silentwave -Live
Emily Komatsu
- 22:00
- ADVANCE Women ¥1000+1 Red Bull / Men ¥3000+1 Red Bull
- DOOR Women ¥1500+1 Red Bull / Men ¥3500+1 Red Bull
- Techno
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
Silent Servantが再びMNML SSGSに登場。
RegisとFunctionのSandwell Districtというプロジェクトでも重要な役割を担ってきたSilent Servantだが、それとはまた違ったスタイルも追求してきた。彼のDJ、プロダクション、そして中心メンバーとして活躍したレーベル “Jealous God”の方向性において、ポストパンク、ミニマルウェーヴ、コンテンポラリーなテクノを取り入れ、ダンスフロア向けに融合させたユニークなプレイスタイルを披露している。国内外で注目を集めているWata Igarashiを招き、昨年MNML SSGSデビューを果たしたAya GloomyのライブがStudioで披露される。
Contactフロアでも、オーガナイザーChris SSGのキュレートにより個性と実力を兼ね備えた面々が集結。東京シーンでは既にその存在を確立しBoiler Roomでのプレイが高く評価されたMayurashkaを始め、Nacht Digital Festivalに出演を果たしたForest LimitのAKIRAM EN、福岡からEmily Komatsu、そしてオープニングでライブを披露するSINSENSAとSilentwaveといった斬新さと安定感が両立するラインアップとなっている。
MNML SSGS welcomes back one of our favourite artists, Silent Servant.
On 2 November, MNML SSGS welcomes back one of our favourite artists, Silent Servant. In recent years he has left behind the style of techno he pursued as part of the Sandwell District collective with Regis and Function. Through his DJing, productions, and his Jealous God label, he has been pushing a more mutant sound that connects the earlier sounds of post-punk, EBM, and minimal wave with contemporary strains of techno. Silent Servant has a unique ability to fuse these different sounds while keeping his focus firmly on the dancefloor. Joining him will be Wata Igarashi, an artist that MNML SSGS rates among Japan’s very best. After an impressive debut at the last MNML SSGS party, we have invited Aya Gloomy back, this time she will be bringing her charismatic live show to the Studio floor.
In the Contact room, Chris SSG will be hosting a lineup of artists who all will be playing for the first time at a MNML SSGS party. While Mayurashka has been well established in the Tokyo scene, she recently gained further recognition with an impressive Boiler Room session. AKIRAM EN took a break from Forest Limits to play a killer set in the rave cave at Germany’s famous Nacht Digital festival and it was clear then he was a good fit for MNML SSGS. Emily Komatsu will be joining us from Fukuoka, with SINSENSA and Silentwave opening the night with ambient live sets.
Keeping with the spirit of MNML SSGS, we are expecting another night of fun and musical experiments. Please join us.
Silent Servant
Wata Igarashi
asyl cahier
Aya Gloomy
Chris SSG