Fumiya Tanaka (Sundance | Perlon)
Sapphire Slows
Tsubasa Shimada
- 22:00
- Techno
- | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
ContactでのLAST GROOVES 二部作・第二夜
第一夜とは変わって、これまで東京ではロングジャーニーで魅せてきた田中フミヤは、ミドルタイムに3時間セットで登場。そしてStudio Xにはオープンとクローズを務める2人がラインナップ。直近では、〈Midnight Shift〉からの¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U監修のアンビエントコンピや、チリの新興電子音楽レーベル〈Séptimo Sello〉のコンピに参加するなどアーティストとして異彩を放ち続けながら、DJではより一層ダンサブルなアプローチを通して特異な感性を空間に拡げるSapphire Slows。そして、関西の名門レコード店rare grooveとNewtoneでのバイヤー経験によって磨かれた無二のセンスが津々浦々から評価を受け、更にはUKの〈do you have peace?〉よりLil MofoとのスプリットミックステープをリリースしたAkie。意外性と必然性が交差する予感が存分に漂う組み合わせとなっている。
Contactフロアでは、長くじっくりと浸ることのできるグルーヴリレーが展開される。近年はパーティDAZE OF PHAZEを通じて、尚もテクノ〜ハウスの融点に独自性を拓き続けるマエストロKabutoを筆頭に、Alien Sex FriendsやARTEMISなどを主催しながらDJとしての時間芸術性と享楽性を高めるP-YAN、関西シーンにて様々なパーティのオーガナイズや海外アーティストのサポートを経験しながら確かな実力を付けるMiTSUYAS、ひときわ折衷的なセレクションでありながらも磐石なボトムキープ&アップで魅せるTsubasa Shimadaが登場する。
LAST GROOVES at Contact, second night of a two-part series
Fumiya Tanaka headlines for 2 consecutive weeks with 2 months left until the closing of Contact. Artists that stir the emotions and sensibilities in a multi-faceted manner will gather for the second night of the two-part series titled『Nox』, the daughter of CHAOS (the creator of the universe and the title for Fumiya’s party) who is the personification of the night in Greek mythology that gave birth to many concepts in human existence.
In contrast to the first night, Fumiya Tanaka, who’s captivated the crowds of Tokyo with his long journeys, will be playing a 3 hour set midway through the evening. 2 females of the night have joined the lineup as the opening and closing acts in Studio X. Sapphire Slows, whose most recent works include contributions to an ambient compilation curated by ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U via〈Midnight Shift〉and for a compilation on the emerging electronic music label〈Séptimo Sello〉based in Chile, takes a more danceable approach to DJing with her unique sensibilities. Akie is a figure that has gained quite the reputation for her unrivaled sense that’s been polished by her experience as a buyer for Kansai’s prestigious record store「rare groove」and「Newtone」. Furthermore, she recently released a split mix tape with Lil Mofo from UK-based〈do you have peace?〉. Bound to be a combination where unpredictability and inevitability intersect.
In Contact floor, a slow and steady groove relay unfolds. Kabuto, a maestro who continues to push the limits of techno and house through his party『DAZE OF PHAZE』, will be leading the pack. Under his guidance, we have P-YAN, a DJ in tune with temporal artistry and hedonism known for his parties『Alien Sex Friends』and『ARTEMIS』, MiTSUYAS, a party organizer in the Kansai scene who’s played as the supporting role for many international artists, and the eclectic selections by Tsubasa Shimada.
Fumiya Tanaka
Fumiya Tanaka
Sapphire Slows