Octave One (430 West Records | from Detroit)
Ken Ishii
Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito (Transmat | Kompakt)
Naoki Shirakawa
DJ Shibata (探心音 | The Oath)
Remi (Roundhouse)
Yonenaga (R406 | Select Kashiwa)
Loudspeaker Survey (L.S.S Traxx)
shining star (utopia)
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Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
デトロイトテクノ第二世代の一角を担うBurden兄弟、その内のLennyとLawrenceからなるデュオ、Octave OneがContact初登場を果たす。これまでBurden兄弟は自身のプロジェクトについて「音楽と魂の調和がとれているOctave One、そのウラ側にあるカオスを解放しているのがRandom Noise Generation」と語ってきたが、長きに渡りハードウェアでのライヴを愚直なまでに追求し続けてきたことにより、表裏一体だった二面性は近年さらなる融合を遂げ、情熱に満ちたメロディと武骨なファンクネスを絶妙な平衡感覚で魅せるという、テクノとハウスの境界を飛び越えた領域に到達。それはまさしくデトロイトのブラックマシンミュージックの地平に立ち続けてきた彼らの意志であり、その全ては昨年7年振りにリリースされたアルバム「Burn It Down」にて体現され、そして遂に日本にも伝来する。共演は、デトロイトテクノ影響下で独自性を発揮し日本のテクノシーン黎明期を切り拓いてきたKen Ishii、Derrick Mayが認めた者のみが契約を結べるTransmatからアルバムをリリースしたHiroshi Watanabe、デトロイトテクノを愛してやまないNaoki Shirakawa。
A new frontier of black machine music
Of the Burden brothers from the second generation of Detroit techno, Lenny and Lawrence make their debut at Contact as Octave One. The brothers describe the project as harmony between music and soul while their another pseudonym Random Noise Generation acts as its counterpart, releasing chaotic energy. Recent years have seen these two sides of a coin blurring the boundary and striking a fine balance between passionate melodies and rugged funkiness that goes beyond the confines of techno and house, all based on years of experience spent honing their live performance with hardware. Indeed, it represents the indomitable will of the duo, who have been exploring the frontier of black machine music of Detroit, culminating in last year’s Burn It Down, their first album in seven years. And finally, the two missionaries land in Japan. A Japanese techno pioneer who has channeled his influence from Detroit techno to his own takes, Ken Ishii steps up to support their mission alongside Hiroshi Watanabe, a producer Derrick May gave a seal of approval to let his album out on Transmat, and Detroit techno aficionado Naoki Shirakawa.