Takaaki Itoh (Wols | Residence) -Live
Ryosuke (Lobust) & Kabuto (Daze of Phaze)
Mars89 & Romy Mats (解体新書)
The Antoinettes
Bungo & N-Pacino
- 14:00
- CLOSE 21:00
- ¥ 3000
- Techno
- | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
Contact 5 Year Anniversary pre party
オープン当初から、DJ Nobuは日本を代表するアーティストとして多くの海外DJとのマッチングでContactのオーディエンスを魅了してきた。Levon Vincent、Solar、Matrixxman、Freddy K、Willie Burns等挙げるときりがないが、DJ NobuがFunktionと作り上げた熱狂の夜は2016年にContactが産声をあげた日だった。ContactおよびリスナーがDJ Nobuのギグに寄せる信頼は、彼の音楽の進化と比例してさらに厚みを増しており、この5周年の節目の日にもまた最高のプレイを期待させてくれる。Studio XにライヴセットでラインナップするTakaaki ItohもまたBerghain、Tresorといったビッグクラブや、AWAKENINGS、MAYDAYといった舞台を踏んできた、世界のシーンの中で際立った存在であることはいうまでもない。破壊的かつ精密なインダストリアル・ビートとDJ Nobuとの音楽交換は、電子音楽の深化を狂気的なまでに誘発させることになりそうだ。さらにsuiminがもつ音楽の魔力と特別な才能は、先述した二人のプレイに未知の変化をもたらす大きな仕掛けになるかもしれない。
この日はContactフロアのみでもピックアップイベントになり得るラインナップが用意されており、Ryosuke、KabutoといったDJ Nobuと深い関わりを持つダンスミュージックフリーク垂涎のヘッドラインに、Romy Mats、Mars89といった高い音楽性をもつイノベーター、そしてThe AntoinettesやBungo、N-Pacinoといった強烈な個性を含めた8人による4組のB2Bは、高品質のダンスミュージックが予想をこえて交わる、興味深い化学反応を引き起こすのは間違いない。
Contact 5 Year Anniversary pre party
Originally, this weekend would have marked our 5th anniversary party. This year, in hopes to offer brighter prospects for the future, we have lined up superb guests to show our appreciation for everyone with this pre-party for the official anniversary party to come. Unfortunately, our 4th anniversary had to be carried over due to the ongoing circumstances. We hope that this party will make up for the year that has been lost.
Since the opening of the club, Japan’s leading artist DJ Nobu has greatly impacted the crowd sharing the stage with countless international acts at our venue including Levon Vincent, Solar, Matixxman, Freddy K, and Willie Burns to name just a few. But the grand opening party in 2016 with DJ Nobu and Function definitely set the tone for Contact. DJ Nobu’s ever-evolving sound, entrusted by listeners around the world as well as by Contact, has continued to transform with great depth and much is anticipated for this upcoming gig for our 5 year anniversary. In Studio X, Takaaki Itoh will be performing a live set, another worldclass figure in the scene who has performed at some of the biggest and prestigious clubs and festivals such as Berghain, Tresor, AWAKENINGS, and MAYDAY. The exchange of his intense yet precise industrial beats with DJ Nobu is bound to induce pure madness that comes from the deepest realms of electronic music. In addition, the exceptionally talented suimin will set the tone by navigating the two greats into the unknown that will undoubtedly bring out the best in their performances.
The lineup for Contact floor features prominent figures that can stand as a pick up event on its own. Headlining Dance Music freaks Ryosuke and Kabuto, both closely affiliated with DJ Nobu, will be joined by innovators Romy Mats and Mars89, as well as The Antoinettes, Bungo, N-Pacino, Contact floor features 4 B2B sets by 8 DJs to present the highest quality of Dance Music.
Without a doubt, imaginations and the pleasures of music will be in full bloom with this superb lineup.