DJ Nobu (Future Terror | Bitta)Occa (Archive)
Tasoko (DRED Records | Galaxy)Yuzo Iwata (Butter Sessions | Sound Metaphors)machìnaQmico (QUALIA)
- 22:00
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- BEFORE 11PM ¥ 1000
- GH G MEMBERS ¥ 1500
- ADVANCE ¥ 2000
- GH S MEMBERS ¥ 2000
- GH MEMBERS ¥ 2500
¥ 2500 - DOOR ¥ 3000
- 3DAY PASS TICKET ¥ 4000 ※e+ イープラス
- Techno
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
DJ Nobuが2022年最初のTrilogiesに登場だ。
毎月3週にわたり開催されるレジデント・シリーズ Trilogiesは昨年10月のスタートから、石野卓球、
DJ Nobuはパンデミック以前、国内の大型フェスのほか、
DJ Nobuが自身のパーティFuture TerrorやGONG、NTS Radioのプログラムで度々招いてきたOccaがシリーズ第1回、Studio Xでの共演に決定した。札幌に拠点を置くOccaからも、自身のPrecious HallでのパーティArchivにDJ Nobuを招致しており、お互いに音楽の交差を重要視する関係にある。その相乗効果は、互いの刺激を深化から深化へと発展させる、エレクトロニックミュージックの更新と最深部の模索であり、オーディエンスの観点からみると、最高から次の最高への移行の連続が起こる狂気的なまでの高揚を目の当たりにすることになる。
Contactフロアでも電子音楽の深化は絶え間なく、昨年、同じく沖縄をルーツにもつIORIが立ち上げた〈VISIONARY〉からのEPや、John Osbornが主宰する〈DRED Records〉からのアルバムなど制作面でも注目されるTasokoや、ベルリンでの滞在や海外レーベルからのリリース、Cocktail d’Amore等の著名なヴェニューに出演してきたYuzo Iwata。さらに、Bicepのトラック「Hawk」への参加や〈Tresor〉のコンピレーションへの楽曲提供をする、世界的なプロデューサーとなったmachìna、QUALIAを主催するQmicoなど、クリエイター気質のラインナップがメインフロアとは異なる色鮮やかさと疾走感をともなう緻密さでデザインされる。
Trilogies DJ Nobuは、モダンなサウンドと、アーバンなグルーヴが交錯する、ハイクオリティのダンスで開幕される。
Synergistic effect with ally that lure you into the next abyss
The first Trilogies of the year 2022 kicks off with DJ Nobu.
Trilogies, a monthly resident series held over 3 consecutive weeks, began in October of last year. Since the launch, we’ve featured one-and-only guests Takkyu Ishino, Licaxxx, GOTH-TRAD, as well as long sets that have far exceeded expectations of the listeners with much satisfaction.
DJ Nobu is one of the most sought after DJs in the world. Prior to the pandemic, he has played all over Europe and countries with an established club scene, not to mention playing at the biggest festivals in Japan. Having been invited to perform for the anniversary of Berghain, Sónar Festival and Dekmantel Festival, he has gained worldwide notoriety headlining for prestigious electronic music festivals. And, this is no surprise If you have experienced DJ Nobu in action. He has created many memorable nights performing with outstanding international artists, including Function for the grand opening of Contact in 2016.
The contemporary and unrealistic space created by vast knowledge in music and intense spirit takes the audience’s imagination far beyond their expectations. DJ Nobu, the modern hero, makes his long-awaited appearance for Trilogies to fulfill the pleasures of techno listeners with his infinite psychedelia.
Occa, who has played for DJ Nobu’s party Future Terror, GONG, and has frequently been invited on his NTS Radio program, shares the stage in Studio X for episode 1. He has previously invited DJ Nobu for his own party Archiv at Precious Hall in Sapporo where Occa is based. The relationship they have built places great importance on feeding off each other’s music. The progression deepens as they feed off one another, redefining electronic music and taking you into the deepest realms. From the audience’s stance, this will be a chance to witness something that takes you to the highest place. Contact floor also incessantly deepens with Tasoko, the Okinawa-based artist who launched a label〈VISIONARY〉and released an EP together with IORI last year, as well as releasing an album on John Osborn’s label〈DRED Records〉. Yuzo Iwata, having stayed in Berlin and releasing on international labels, has played at prestigious venues such as Cocktail d’Amore. In addition, world-renowned producer machìna who’s contributed to Bicep’s track「Hawk」and contributing to a compilation by〈Tresor〉, Qmico the organizer of QUALIA, and other creators join the lineup brings different flavors in contrast to the main floor.
Trilogies DJ Nobu tackles modern sounds and mixing urban grooves to bring high-quality dance.
Yuzo Iwata