DJ Nobu (Future Terror | Bitta)Kotsu (CYK | UNTITILED)
Kabuto (DAZE OF PHAZE)k_yamAkiediscopants
- 22:00
- UNDER 23
- ¥ 1000
- BEFORE 11PM ¥ 1000
- GH G MEMBERS ¥ 1500
- ADVANCE ¥ 2000
- GH S MEMBERS ¥ 2000
- GH MEMBERS ¥ 2500
¥ 2500 - DOOR ¥ 3000
- 3DAY PASS TICKET ¥ 4000 ※e+ イープラス
- Techno
- | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
DJ Nobuによる音楽の歓喜の解放
DJ Nobuが2022年最初のTrilogiesに登場だ。
毎月3週にわたり開催されるレジデント・シリーズ Trilogiesは昨年10月のスタートから、石野卓球、
DJ Nobuはパンデミック以前、国内の大型フェスのほか、
シリーズ最終章、ワンフロア、ツーマンでは初となるCYK Kotsuとの共演は音楽の快楽を余すことなく味わう祝宴になりそうだ。2020年、拠点を京都に移してからもその活躍は全国に響いており、昨年末までに国内14都市からの招致を受けている。本来主体としていたハウスを概念として膨らませながらオーディエンスのハートに確実にヒットさせる卓越したスキルと発想は、DJ Nobuとのどのような化学反応を起こすか期待を抱かざるをえない。
Contactフロアには、スペシャリストKabutoを筆頭に繰り広げられる、国内テクノ/ハウスの、進化形でシーンの現到達点とも呼べるフロアデザインが施された。自身のパーティのREMEDYの卓越したキュレーションや、トラックのクオリティの高さ、DJでのイマジネーションの飛躍など層の厚い世代の中でも際立つk_yamがラインナップ。discopantsのハウスとエレクトロニクスの刺激的なクロスオーバーや、Akieのオルタナティブなハウスサウンドも、大阪の聖地newtone recordsの出身を感じさせる情感とエレクトロニクスの複層的な交わりをみせる。人の熱をもったファンクネスやUKマナーを独自のイメージで鳴らしてきたオリジナリティが、ダンスミュージックのハードリスナーをもノンストップで踊らせうるエレクトロニック・ジャーニーを展開させる。
Trilogies DJ Nobu 最終章は、episode 1, 2とはさらに違う面でのDJ Nobuの解放を味わう、音楽桃源郷で幕を閉じる。
The exuberant liberation of music by DJ Nobu
The first Trilogies of the year 2022 kicks off with DJ Nobu.
Trilogies, a monthly resident series held over 3 consecutive weeks, began in October of last year. Since the launch, we’ve featured one-and-only guests Takkyu Ishino, Licaxxx, GOTH-TRAD, as well as long sets that have far exceeded expectations of the listeners with much satisfaction.
DJ Nobu is one of the most sought after DJs in the world. Prior to the pandemic, he has played all over Europe and countries with an established club scene, not to mention playing at the biggest festivals in Japan. Having been invited to perform for the anniversary of Berghain, Sónar Festival and Dekmantel Festival, he has gained worldwide notoriety headlining for prestigious electronic music festivals. And, this is no surprise If you have experienced DJ Nobu in action. He has created many memorable nights performing with outstanding international artists, including Function for the grand opening of Contact in 2016.
The contemporary and unrealistic space created by vast knowledge in music and intense spirit takes the audience’s imagination far beyond their expectations. DJ Nobu, the modern hero, makes his long-awaited appearance for Trilogies to fulfill the pleasures of techno listeners with his infinite psychedelia.
The final episode of every series have featured all-night long sets in the main floor up until now. CYK Kotsu, the first in the final chapter of the series, will be sharing the stage in the main room. In 2020, he moved his base to Kyoto, managing to remain active nationwide playing in 14 cities last year. His outstanding skills and ideas make sure to hit the heart of the audience while emphasizing House music leaves us with great expectations regarding the kind of chemistry he’ll have with DJ Nobu.
Contact floor, specialist Kabuto takes charge in leading the pack in designing the floor by defining the current stage of the ever-evolving local Techno/House scene. k_yam, a DJ that stands out among his generation with high quality tracks and excellent curation for his own party REMEDY, joins the lineup. The stimulating crossover of House and electronics by disopants, and the Alternative House sounds by Akie, hailing from Osaka’s holy Newtone Records, will show us how things are done. With their distinct images and originalities that resonate, it will be an electronic journey that keeps the true listeners dancing nonstop.
The final episode of Trilogies DJ Nobu will gives a completely different side of DJ Nobu than episode 1 & 2.