Lena Willikens (Cómeme | Salon des Amateurs | Dekmantel | Germany)
& Vladimir Ivkovic (Salon des Amateurs | Offen Music | Germany)
Toshiyuki Goto B2B IORI
Celter (Eclipse)Torei
- 22:00
- Techno
- | House
入場料金はSTUDIO X (MISSION) 施設使用料として頂いております。
Admissions are for the use of facility MISSION STUDIO X.
Salon des Amateursのレジデントによる音旅行
ドイツのレフトフィールド・サウンド発信拠点Salon des Amateursから筆頭レジデント、Lena WillikensとVladimir Ivkovicが来日! 既存の斜め上を行く斬新なセットで数々のフェスティバルとクラブを沸かしている注目コンビがクリエイティブな刺激に満ちた音楽空間をContactに作り上げる。ボディミュージックから実験的な電子音楽までを駆使してしなやかに紡がれる予測不可能な硬質グルーヴを浴びれば、身体と意識を捻じ曲げられること必至。しかも悪魔の沼も出演するとあっては、もうズブズブに行くとこまで行くしかないでしょう! 日独を代表するレフトフィールダーが集結するこの夜は、エレクトロニックミュージックの枠組みから果敢に逸脱していく酔狂な体験をお届けする。
The Salon des Amateurs residents are here to take you on a trip
Few DJs are as widely acclaimed at digging for obscure, mystical music as Lena Willikens and Vladimir Ivkovic. Both made their name at the infamous Düsseldorf club Salon des Amateurs, an intimate space that has incubated many respected artists exploring sonic outer limits, from freaky minimal wave and off-kilter industrial to Fourth World flights of fantasy and jazz-inflected expressions.
Willikens has managed to steer her esoteric tastes towards wonderfully unconventional strains of dance music, setting a trend for slow, transcendental beats draped in surreal atmospheres. It’s no wonder she’s also aligned with Matias Aguayo’s Comeme label, as well as curating the Selectors 005 compilation for Dekmantel in 2018.
Vladimir Ivkovic has equally carved a niche that affords him extended set times at respected festivals from Dekmantel and Terraforma to Meakusma and Sustain Release, weaving from strung out ambience to curious pockets of groove with elegance and surprise in equal measure.
As well as Willikens and Ivkovic heading up the Studio X Floor, the event will also feature Akuma No Numa. This trio consists of Compuma, Dr Nishimura and Awano, three artists with steadily rising reputations thanks to their profound musical knowledge and leftfield selections.
Lena Willikens
Vladimir Ivkovic
Lena Willikens & Vladimir Ivkovic